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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

If Your Company Isn’t Engaging Analysts, You’re Missing Killer Growth Opportunities

By Andrew Hsu Technology buyers and strategists within the Fortune 500 routinely trust industry analysts — such as those at Gartner, Forrester, and several other firms — for counsel on everything from present-day best practices to long-term strategy. It’s analysts’ job to help their clients succeed and bring clarity to the challenges of digital evolution. Yet, many [...]

Why you need to raise your PC system requirements for PS4 and Xbox games

For the serious gamer, a seismic shift has opened up between the design and the enjoyment of games. The next generation of consoles has advanced, and now, more than ever, there is now a fundamental disconnect between the capabilities of the console, and those of the PC. While the new Xbox One and Playstation 4 both use a [...]

By |Everything Else|0 Comments

Modigy: Be Sure of The Car Parts You’re Buying

  If you have ever worked on a car or bought aftermarket parts, you know how sketchy that proposition is. First of all, there are only a few "trusted sources" out there. Otherwise, you just have to go off of customer reviews. However, we just came across a new startup that looks to make buying [...]

Georical: A New Take on Social Media

  We just came across a wildly inventive new app: Georical. It is hard to explain, but we were able to ask the founder a few questions about the app. Rather than offer a butchered explanation, take a look at the answers below Georical  What does your company do? Georical aims to let you access [...]

SoundCloud to Raise $150M on $1.2B Valuation

According to the Wall Street Journal, SoundCloud is about to become the newest member of the $1 billion valued startups. According to the article, Soundcloud is in the process of raising a $150 million round, on a valuation north of $1.2 billion.Evelyn Rusli, Hannah Karp, and Douglas MacMillan, The Wall Street Journal, "SoundCloud’s Valuation Could [...]

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GiftAir: A Personal Air Cleaning Device

We have covered a ton of awesome crowdfunding projects over the past couple years. Most are pretty tame. That is to say that most provide an update to an existing product, or provide a more efficient way to do something. However, there is a rare breed of projects that are completely revolutionary in scope and [...]

By |Crowdfunding|1 Comment

PWUL (Pay What U Like): Track the Price of Products Online

  Shopping online is great. There is such a large selection that you can find just about anything you are looking for. However, finding the best deal or sale takes perseverance. Well, we just came across a new startup that will help you monitor the price of products: PWUL (Pay What U Like). We had [...]

President Obama’s New Title: “Coder-in-Chief”

President Obama can add a new title to his resume, "Coder-in-Chief." On Monday, President Obama hosted an Hour of Code event at the White House, an became the first president ever to write a computer program. Wired reporter Klint Finley had a very good write-up on Obama's program and the significance: It was a very simple program—all it does [...]

By |Editors' Picks, News|0 Comments

Kidokey: The Answer To Kids And WiFi

As anyone with young kids can tell you, it is hard to monitor and limit their internet usage. It is not just website and content filtering, but things like time spent playing games or watching movies. Kids tend to be much smarter than we give them credit for. Anyhow, we may have just found the [...]

Chromecast Deal Includes $65 Worth of Promotions

If you have somehow managed to avoid buying a Chromecast, now may just be the time to do so. Or, if someone on you holiday shopping list wants a Chromecast, Google has what is easily the best promotion for the product to date. From now to December 21, if you order a Chromecast - or [...]

By |Google, News|0 Comments