Samsung Taking On Google With Smart Glasses?

Google has done an amazing job of hyping up Google Glass and they should, they've had plenty of time to do it. Google unveiled their wearable glass product at their Google I/O developer conference in May of 2012 (yes a year and a half ago), then at this past years Google I/O conference Google's earliest [...]

Business Cards + NFC, Moo Delivers

There are dozens of apps available for iOS and Android that allow you to scan the important information off of a business card and add it to your contact list. One of the ones I like the most is Hello by Evernote. In addition to scanning the card it notes the time and you can [...]

DrinkBoard: The Latest Alcohol Gifting App Debuts In Vegas

Thursday and Friday of last week saw the first ever TechCocktail Celebrate. After combing the nation over the last five years looking at what the hottest startup company in each city was, Frank Gruber and the TechCocktail team decided to have a finals in Las Vegas. The event was a smashing success and is sure [...]

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Is Being First to the Market Always the Best Strategy?

If you have a really good product idea, one that clearly fills a demonstrated need and isn't yet available in any app store, should you go for perfection or try to be the first to market? Sometimes, it pays to be first, even if your product isn't yet ready for prime time. Couple and "the [...]

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Boston: Not Just For Ed-Tech Anymore

For the whole of 2013 the Greater Boston, MA area - and really Massachusetts as a whole - has been one of the top destinations for VC money. California and New York are oft considered the technology hubs of the US - rightly so - Boston has emerged as a major player, and is in-fact outpacing New York in many ways. Though it is clear that Boston relies heavily on the Ed-Tech and healthcare niches, the Superpedestrian and Sqrrl rounds display the cities growing technology diversity. It is a given that Massachusetts will not catch up to California anytime soon, but it is quite clear that Boston is thriving.

Crocodoc’s Ryan Damico On How To Get Acquired

First off if you're not listening to the 500 startups weekly podcast you're doing it wrong. Each week 500 Startups Resident Marketing Manager and Baker, Mark Saldana sits down with 500 startups founders, mentors, investors and others in their network for a 1:1 look at the important things about starting up. In episode 22 Saldana [...]

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Too Lean Or Not Too Lean That Is The Question

I've never personally been a fan of "Lean" or the Minimum Viable Product concept. I believe the best startups come out of the gate with features in-tact, great user experience and with a good bit of polish on them. I don't believe that startups should take over a year to get there though, so the [...]

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Baby Boomer’s Catching The Startup Bug

(Susan Jones 68 (l) and Elizabeth Van Sant 54 (r) founded Quad2Quad a dc based tech startup) There is a rising trend in entrepreneurship that many might not expect. According to both the Ewing Marion Kauffman foundation and the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, entrepreneurship amongst baby boomers has shown a significant increase. [...]

The State of the Media: The Rebirth of WaPo, Vox, and Beacon

Within the past few months, there has been a revitalization, of sorts, within the media industry. Once again, there is tons of money being dumped into traditional media. There are new and inventive approaches to the media industries business model. There is even now a media accelerator, Matter - whom just announce the second cohort. The state of the media is strong.

Square Cash: A Look at the Hype and the Alternatives

Square Cash allows users to send payments without any transaction fees to individuals through email. Although this is an awesome feature, Square was far from the first with such an offering. The media, however, would have you believe that this is the most groundbreaking mobile payment feature ever conceived. We cut through the hype and examine some of the alternatives.

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