Solar Wind Energy Tower: A Novel, Powerful Renewable Energy Source

Over the past few days, we have come across some really inventive energy projects. On Monday of this week, we told you a little bit about the Solar Roadways project. The project we are looking at today, however, is a wholly new way to generate energy. The Solar Wind Energy Tower uses a combination of [...]

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TimberHarmony Dock Lamp: A Stunning Docking Station

We just came across a really interesting Kickstarter campaign: TimberHarmony Dock Lamp. The TimberHarmony Dock Lamp (above) is a multi-purpose, customizable docking station. This is a stunning take on the standard docking station. The TimberHarmony is "made and polished by hand from solid black walnut wood."TimberHarmony Kickstarter Campaign While the dock station is purpose built, the [...]

Easybreath: This Odd Looking Thing May Replace the Snorkel

We've seen some odd things over the years, but rarely are they anything more than a novelty. However, this Easybreath mask from Tribord looks like a major upgrade over the traditional snorkel. Think about it, the traditional j-shaped snorkel is kind of a pain to use. The Easybreath mask was designed to make breathing through a [...]

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3D Printing Allows Students to Solve The Watery Ketchup Problem

By now, almost everyone is aware of the amazing impact of 3D printing. There have been countless examples of the extraordinary power of these devices: from 3D printing a scale model of a human heart to pinpoint the problem, to 3D printing prosthetic limbs, to less serious use-cases like printing custom containers. The below example [...]

Ugly Betty To Keynote ISTE EdTech Conference

The International Society For Technology In Education (ISTE) conference is headed to Atlanta Georgia June 28th through July 1st. ISTE is the largest education technology conference in the United States and will see thousands of educators, education innovators and technology manufacturers converge in Atlanta to see and learn the latest about education and technology and [...]

Postybell Brings New Meaning To The Words “You’ve Got Mail”

"You've Got Mail" is the iconic phrase performed by voice over actor Elwood Edwards in 1989. The phrase was used to let AOL users know that they have new email in their email box. Edwards also performed the trademark "Welcome" that millions of AOL users heard as they signed onto the company's dial up service. [...]

Technology Executives Have Big Showing In 2014 NBA Playoffs

The NBA Playoffs are officially underway with many second games of the first round already played by the time this story posts. Regardless of what team you absolutely love it's a good possibility at the end of the playoffs we may see the same championship pairing as last year. My team is the Robert Pera [...]

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3D Faster: Are You Experienced?

Have you ever been experienced? I have. Lyrics from that Jimi Hendrix song make for a great introduction. Not the kind of experience you get working in an industry for years or even decades, though that’s important. In this article I’m primarily talking about the shopper’s experience. Not the online user experience, though again, that [...]

4 Out Of 5 Dentists Are Going To Love Grush

Shocker! Getting kids to brush their teeth is a challenge. If you're the parent of a school aged child, like myself, we know that getting kids to brush their teeth can be a challenge. At the same time, if you can get your kids into the habit of brushing their teeth early, they'll stay hooked. [...]

Skateboard Wheel Printer: Leave a Mark While You Skate

Andrew Wolson (above left) presented one of the most interesting Creator Projects that we saw at One Spark. Andrew's project, "Skateboard wheel printer," is still in its infancy, as far a becoming an actual product. However, Andrew told us that he has had the idea in the back of his mind for 3+ years. Andrew [...]