The Meteoric Rise of MOOCs [Infographic]

In just under six years, the term MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) has gone from a vague, abstract idea to becoming, "the academic buzzword du jour."Chris Parr,Times Higher Education, "Mooc creators criticise courses’ lack of creativity," 17 October 2013 In just the past few years, MOOCs have exploded. Companies like Coursera, EdX, Udemy, Khan Academy and countless others, paved [...]

Like The World Cup, Facebook May Have Just Sold Your Profile Soul

Shocker! Facebook has to make money, and of course they want to continue to make lots of it so they can make more $19b and $2b dollar acquisitions. Part of that making money is marketing Facebook users, of course that includes me and you. Now I may be a little different I'm actually enjoying Facebook's [...]

Neil Young’s PonoPlayer Raises $6M on Kickstarter to Start a Revolution

The PonoPlayer is a purpose-built device, designed by world-renowned audio engineers, to do one thing and one thing exceedingly well - let you hear high quality PonoMusic as close to its original recorded resolution as possible, and therefore, the original musical experience.

Kid Keemo: Cancer Fighting Companions For Kids

One of our favorite One Spark Creators that we had a chance to speak with was Craig Riley, the Founder of Kid Keemo. Kid Keemo was created to "make kids with cancer feel normal again."Kide Keemo One Spark Creator Profile Kid Keemo is actually the character that you see above. Kid Keemo is a part [...]

Why Yes This Is A Bluetooth Speaker

Why yes this is a wooden Bluetooth speaker and it actually rocks. Bluetooth speakers are a dime a dozen. Nowadays every accessory manufacturer is creating and releasing Bluetooth speakers at a record pace. In fact if we wrote about every Bluetooth speaker released we wouldn't have time for any other content. It's special Bluetooth speakers [...]

Top 5 Android Easter-Themed Games

With Easter approaching, we thought it would be prudent to find a couple Easter-themed Android Games. In no particular order, here are our top 5 free Easter games. Fair warning, all of these 5 games are incredibly addictive. Stack Rabbit Stack Rabbit is a pretty addicting game. I just downloaded it to try it out, [...]

Dosing Dials: Easily Monitor Your Child’s Medicine Dosing

Every now and then, something so simple comes along that just blows our minds. Dosing Dials is definitely one of those things. The number of accidental overdoses amongst children is at an all time high. While many of these cases involve self-ingestion of medicines - a child taking drugs on their own - there is [...]

Relive OneSpark Thanks To WeVue

While we were in Jacksonville for One Spark, we had a chance to speak with Taylor Wallace, the co-Founder of WeVue. "WeVue", Wallace told us, "is an app platform that allows anyone to crowdsource pictures or videos from an event and easily turn that content into videos on your phone." The idea is that you [...]

Looking For A Samsung Galaxy S5, Prepaid With Unlimited Data? MetroPCS Has It For You

MetroPCS, the prepaid arm of T-Mobile USA has just announced the immediate availability of the Samsung Galaxy S5. Now customers can have the latest Samsung Galaxy device with MetroPCS’ unlimited, no annual contract rate plans starting at just $40. MetroPCS also offers LTE service in some markets. “MetroPCS is on a fast-track to becoming America’s #1 [...]

Any Inc. – A Marketplace to Buy and Sell Companies

There is no question that there are a ton of idle companies out there. Companies that may have failed, been extremely slow growing, companies with little to no traction, and side work that is going untouched. One of the largest reasons for this is a simple lack of interest and or time to devote. Any [...]