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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Any Inc. – A Marketplace to Buy and Sell Companies

There is no question that there are a ton of idle companies out there. Companies that may have failed, been extremely slow growing, companies with little to no traction, and side work that is going untouched. One of the largest reasons for this is a simple lack of interest and or time to devote. Any [...]

Has Google Lost The Narrative On Google Glass

Two years ago when Google introduced Google Glass by having co-founder Sergey Brin sky dive and land on top of the Moscone Center in San Francisco as a kickoff to that year's Google I/O developer's conference, Google Glass looked like th coolest thing in the world. Two years later, the product hasn't really come out [...]

The Push and Go Electric Bike Could Bring Energy to Eveyone [One Spark]

We had a chance to speak with Abu Alim during One Spark. Alim was displaying his project, "Push and Go Electric Bike." Of all the projects that were on display at One Spark, Alim's electric bike is easily the one with the most potential. In a nutshell, the bike utilizes an open thermodynamic system that allows [...]

Is LunchTable Solving The Group SMS Problem?

Just the other day, I was talking with one of my friends about group messaging. I know, fascinating topic of conversation. Anyhow, we reached the conclusion that was not really a good solution. The stock SMS apps of both Android and iOS are funky, and make it difficult to maintain long-standing group message rooms, leaving [...]

Apple Also Granted A Patent For Indoor Mapping Technique

On the heels of Google's patent for an indoor mapping technique, a new patent from Apple, also concerning indoor mapping  has just been announced. This is, seemingly, setting up a massive battle for indoor mapping supremacy between Google and Apple. Seemingly, because Apple really fell apart with the early Maps push a few years back, and has [...]

By |Apple, News|0 Comments

Event Socially: One Stop Source for Events and Parties Everywhere

Anther application that we were looking forward to checking out at One Spark was Event Socially. In a nutshell, Event Socially is an application that gathers event data, info, and pictures from all the various social networks and puts all that information into one easy to use web and mobile format. EventSocially is the authoritative source [...]

Wait, Live TV Is Still Winning!

Despite what we hear everyday about Netflix, Hulu and streaming, a recent survey of over 15,000 adults has found that live tv is still the big winner in tv viewing, and by a large margin. According to Ipsos OTX, 15, 551 adults from 20 countries were surveyed on their tv viewing habits. 86% of those [...]

By |Editors' Picks, TV|0 Comments

Wearable Technology In The Classroom [Infographic]

Wearable technology is taking over our world. Computers are getting smaller,sensors are getting better and byte sized computers are becoming the norm. Over the last two years wearable technology and the internet of things have taken over. We're seeing fitness trackers on anyone looking to lose a little weight, prepare for a marathon or train [...]

Bill Clinton Takes To Twitter To Announce He’s Going To Be A Grandpa

According to the Clinton family the one thing that HIllary Clinton wants more in this world than to be President of the United States is to be a grandmother. Thursday afternoon Chelsea Clinton announced that dream would be fulfilled "later this year". The former first daughter, now 34, married Marc Mezvinsky, a close friend from [...]

Boyfriend Tracking, There’s An App For That

One look at the headline and you may be thinking that someone had created some kind of Bluetooth or GPS enabled sensor to track their boyfriend. While there are a variety of tools out there that could do that, that's not the case here. A new app has hit the iTunes App Store called Boyfriend [...]

By |Apps, Editors' Picks|0 Comments