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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Roccat Power-Grid App Puts The Power Of Your PC Games Into Your Phone

Let's face it, using a keyboard to get more out of your PC games then your mouse and joystick offer is so 1995. For at least the last 5 years I've been playing so many different PC games with my iPhone sitting on my desk. Sure I may look at it when it buzzes with [...]

Expedia Grows Again With Homeaway Partnership

Travel giant Expedia announced a partnership last week with HomeAway, the fast growing internet platform that connects people with vacation rental properties across the world.  This new partnership will put HomeAway's over 570,000 properties into the Expedia search results across multiple Expedia brands. In addition to the top ranked Expedia.com site, the company also owns [...]

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Charleston’s PeopleMatter Secures $16 Million Dollar Series E

When talking about raising capital investors seem to speak from two different sides. Some say always take the money, others say don't take the money if you don't need it. That was the situation Charleston SC software company PeopleMatter's CEO Nate DaPore was faced with when the opportunity came to raise their 5th round, or [...]

Samsung Taking On Google With Smart Glasses?

Google has done an amazing job of hyping up Google Glass and they should, they've had plenty of time to do it. Google unveiled their wearable glass product at their Google I/O developer conference in May of 2012 (yes a year and a half ago), then at this past years Google I/O conference Google's earliest [...]

Business Cards + NFC, Moo Delivers

There are dozens of apps available for iOS and Android that allow you to scan the important information off of a business card and add it to your contact list. One of the ones I like the most is Hello by Evernote. In addition to scanning the card it notes the time and you can [...]

Ruffl, The Hotel Tonight For Food Grabs $1.6M Launches Dining App

Supply and demand is a pretty simple principle going back to the earliest days of business. The smartphone and mobile device have made it even easier to solve the supply and demand issue.  In fact supply and demand has seen two evolutions one at web 1.0 and now at the mobile revolution. Priceline.com, Hotels.com and [...]

By |Everything Else|0 Comments

Is Being First to the Market Always the Best Strategy?

If you have a really good product idea, one that clearly fills a demonstrated need and isn't yet available in any app store, should you go for perfection or try to be the first to market? Sometimes, it pays to be first, even if your product isn't yet ready for prime time. Couple and "the [...]

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Griffin To Release iPad Air Cases On November 1st Drop Day

While some were underwhelmed with Apple's product announcements earlier this week, many are still ready to upgrade their current iPad to the new iPad AIR which weighs a whole .4 grams lighter than the original. The new sleek design will require a change in cases. While sometimes it doesn't seem like Android device manufacturers don't [...]

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Chillin: Bruer Announces New Slow Drip Device For Making Cold Brewed Coffee

Move over Kuerig, the team at Santa Cruz based Bruer is about to make it easier to get that iced coffee mocha frappacino by putting the ice cold coffee brewer into homes everywhere. This will definitely be on the holiday wish lists of cost conscious consumers this holiday season. What's better is that Bruer's new [...]

By |Gadgets & Tech|0 Comments

As Fewer People Install Office Software, Cloud Security Becomes Even More Essential

Personal computer users, fed up with having to pay hundreds of dollars for single-use license installations of Microsoft Office or Office for Mac, are now simply leaving these extra items off new laptop purchases. Instead, they're working within more efficient, free solutions: specifically, Google Drive and Apache OpenOffice. The cloud service Google Drive is at [...]

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