Google Fit: A Challenge to Apple’s HealthKit

In what is really an uncharacteristic change of roles, it looks likes Google is taking a page out of Apple's playbook. According to Forbes, at Google's upcoming I/O conference, the company will unveil a new health service: Google is planning to launch a new health service called Google Fit to collect and aggregate data from popular fitness trackers [...]

This Magical Device Is The PPrintee Pocket Printer

Is that a printer in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? This magical device is the PPrintee Pocket Printer.S Sure pocket printers are nothing new these days. LG has a few pocket printers, there's one on the horizon for Samsung and there's a few across Kickstarter and Indiegogo. But if the [...]

EdTech: Sprint Donating Internet For 50,000 US Students

The EdTech revolution is on and companies big and small, and everywhere in between are getting in. Google has an arm already, Goodle For Education which has tailored the Google Play store and Google Apps specifically for educators and education under the "Google For Education" banner. After polling educators across events like SXSWedu and the [...]

The EdTech Cheat Sheet You’ve Been Waiting For [infographic]

You've probably noticed by now we here at Techfaster have become pretty passionate about education technology. Although I've personally been in the tech media for over a decade, it wasn't until my daughter started Kindergarten, three years ago, that I realized how much edTech was out there. EdTech has quickly become our most popular vertical [...]

Facebook Says Bring On The Boobs

The roar of a movement is starting to happen pertaining to breast feeding in public places. Many people seem to be put off by the notion of a woman breastfeeding her baby in a public place, feeling that it's obscene or inappropriate for children to view. The other side of the argument, or the movement, [...]

Want A Ton Of Cloud Storage Space, Support Pikanote And It’s All Yours

There are many great note taking apps out there. Evernote tops the list as one of the most popular. However, Evernote can be cumbersome at times and overbearing to new users. What if those users are kids or students. They need a note taking app that's easy to understand but keeps up with their work [...]

EdTech: TCEA Tots And Technology Set To Kick Off In Galveston Texas

TCEA, the Texas Computer Education Association is one of the largest state wide edtech organizations in the country. Their annual conference in the spring brings educators from all over the country and the world to show off the latest in educational technology and teach teachers the benefits of how to use it and more. Flipped [...]

Kneto: Incredibly Detailed Email Analytics

There has not been an advancement in email in some time. The big guys keep adding features, but none seem to be anything more than a novelty. That said, we just came across a pretty unique email service: Kneto. Kneto provides a huge amount of analytics on the normal open and click through rates, but also provides some more benefits. We had a [...]

Don’t Leave Home Without American Express When You Ride Uber

Ride sharing and alternative transportation services have gotten a lot of bad press over the past few months. While Uber just closed a behemoth round of funding at a $17 billion dollar valuation, it seems that every new municipality they, or competitors like Lyft, try and set up shop in, they quickly get shut down [...]

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Mobit: Getting App Developers Paid

Developing apps and games isn't an easy job. In fact, less than 10% of apps submitted to the iOS or Android app stores make more than $100 over the course of their lives. Matomy aims to fix all of that by offering payment solutions as well as marketing support through mass exposure to mobile developers [...]