We Saw A Sensible Baby At CES 2014 [VIDEO]

The internet of things has made it’s way to new borns. A Boston tech firm called Sensible Baby has released a new sensor/app combination called SmartOne that helps parents with a newborn baby rest easier. Who knows what these parents did before smartphones and sensors were invented. Ben Cooper, the founder of Sensible Baby was [...]

There’s Nothing Dark About Dark Energy’s Reservoir Portable Charger

Next to Bluetooth speakers and wireless headphones there are enough portable battery chargers at this year's International CES to power a small country for a year. They come in all shapes and sizes, with all kinds of functionality. But, it's a group of guys from Provo Utah (yes Utah) who took the time to listen [...]

We Check Out The Qualcomm Toq Smart Watch At CES 2014

We got a chance to go hands on with the new Toq smart watch. Smartwatches have become quite the rage and we have seen many new devices come to the market over the past few months. Qualcomm is usually thought of in the Android world in relation to their processors but they have recently announced the [...]

We Talk With TrewGrip CEO Mark Parker About The Mobile Keyboard That Changes Everything

A Cincinnati company has reinvented the mobile keyboard. Traditionally keyboard accessories for tablets and smartphones have required the user to be sitting down, essentially using your device as a "mock' laptop. When you think about that for a second, it takes away the mobility from the device. Now typing with your thumbs is easy for [...]

Trax Helps You Easily Track Your Children And Pets.

Sometimes I can't believe what a busy life my six year old daughter lives. Between school, library club, girl scouts, three sets of grandparents, and friends she's definitely a socialite. Now I know I'm a great parent but having the ability to track my daughter on my smartphone would give me an even better piece [...]

Watch As I Sign Up And Get Started With Bitcoin In 15 Seconds At CES With This Machine

Bitcoin was most definitely all the rage at CES 2014. We saw some great companies that are utilizing the private, digital currency in e-commerce, as browser plugins and even creating social networks around it. So with all the talk about Bitcoin and all that we've written about it, I wanted my own Bitcoin account. I [...]

Comcast Going 1Gbps Across Cable In 2015

Currently there are six US cities that offer 1Gbps data speeds over fiber optic. Chattanooga, TN, Kansas City, Provo UT, Austin Texas, Opelika AL and Wilson NC all provide some kind of fiber optic network capable of 1GBps data speeds. Several of those cities like Chattanooga, Kansas and Opelika AL offer the same speed both [...]

Do You Forget Your Smartphone Charger A Lot? Prong’s Got You Covered

One thing that drives me crazy is when I forget my iPhone charger. Sure I try and balance my schedule and phone usage out to my own internal algorithm that decides if I need to pack a charger or not, but more often than not something comes up. I may mean to get home or [...]

LG Puts Siri In Your Washing Machine CES 2014

We're on the ground at the 2014 International CES bringing you Tech Faster. Monday was press day and we saw a whole lot of new technology. One of the coolest was during LG's press event. LG is in a heated war with their fellow Korean rival Samsung across multiple lines of consumer electronics. On Monday [...]

T-Mobile’s CEO John Legere Gets Kicked Out Of AT&T Party

When T-Mobile's CEO John Legere penned his 2014 New Year's Resolutions he included "Give AT&T a break... Or not" and so far he's living up to the "or not" part, and people are digging it. Legere is doing his best to shake up the wireless industry in the United States and it's working. For instance [...]