Samsung unveils the Galaxy Grand 2 and Core Advance

Samsung has announced two more Android devices as 2013 comes to an end. Coming in with two lower to mid range devices Samsung has announced the Galaxy Grand 2 and the Core Advance, both devices that replace models that are less than a year old. Samsung has created a habit lately of releasing updated versions [...]

Google Brings “I’m Feeling Lucky” Radio To iOS 7

Google has updated their music app on iOS 7 again. Now, loyalists who are actually paying for the service, get another refreshed UI as well as a new "I'm Feeling Lucky Radio" feature. Like the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button on, this new radio feature promises to generate a randomly selected playlist based off your [...]

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If You’re A Web Publisher This Will Be The Most Important Infographic You’ll See This Year

If you're a web publisher, blogger, own an online magazine or have any other kind of web based presence than you've undoubtedly dealt with Google rankings. If you've been doing this longer than say, the last six months, then you've endured one, if not many, changes in Google's ranking methods. There are some great SEO [...]

Video: Microsoft Glass

Google Glass is the first wearable computing device that puts the power of Android right in front of your eyes. Many tech pundits, including New York venture capitalist Fred Wilson, thinks that Google Glass may be a little bit ahead of itself. Wilson recently compared it to the Apple Newton, while on stage at the [...]

Gmail Says “No” To Yesware, Sort Of!

Earlier in the day we reported that Google just made "improvements" to Gmail. Google has aded the ability to immediately render photos in email messages you receive from their highly popular service. Previously, Gmail users would receive an email with big blank white spaces that would ask you if you wanted to see the images [...]

Images Get A Boost In Gmail Too

Images seem to be all the rage this week. Yesterday we reported that Twitter is now allowing images to be served through it's direct messaging feature. Earlier today we reported that Instagram has added a new Instagram Direct feature, that also allows you to serve up images through direct messages. Well one service that hasn't, [...]

By |Google, News|0 Comments

Fred Wilson Compares Google Glass To Apple’s Newton, But That May Not Be A Bad Thing

(image: LeWeb) Do you remember the Apple Newton, well we do, but only mildly. The Apple Newton was a PDA device that will forever live on in history as one of Apple's biggest failures, and yes it's possible for Apple to have failures.  The Apple Newton ranks up there with the Lisa, the [...]

Illinois Legislator Looks To Preemptively Ban Google Glass While Driving

As more and more people become familiar with the forthcoming Google Glass, the wearable, Android powered smart glasses are drawing attention from state and local governments. Google Glass has been in a large scale beta with a group of early adopters and Google developers. This group was able to purchase the "explorer edition" of Google [...]

Tides Change In Google vs Oracle Case With Android At The Heart

Google thought they were in the clear with Oracle in regards to claims of copied code but now it seems in a twist of fate that things may be changing. Oracle appealed the ruling against them and it seems as though now they may have a change of winning the case. Seeking more than 1 [...]

Most Google Glass Owners Are Getting A Free Hardware Upgrade

It's not often that you pay $1500 for a product and then get offered a free hardware upgrade. Maybe if there was a product recall or a significant bug, but neither is the case for Google Glass. Google has started handing out invitations to Google Glass Explorer Edition owners. Those are the folks that ordered [...]

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