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Sony To Shut Down Reader Store, Transitioning Customers To Kobo

By |Editors' Picks, News|

Sony is going through some deep changes as a company right now. Sony has already announced a sell off of their Vaio PC business and we've also heard that they plan on scaling back their tv business as well. Sony seems like they are staying the course with mobile devices including tablets and smartphones as [...]

inFamous: Second Son gets a million pre-orders, stoking the fires of the console wars.

By |Editors' Picks, Gaming, News|

Before I go on I just want to say I do not go to the church of Sony, nor do I read from the book of Microsoft - I am console agnostic and I believe that both have their merits and I subscribe to the 'why not both?' way of thinking especially now in this [...]

Is Nintendo Preparing A New System For E3?

By |Editors' Picks, Gaming, News|

Nintendo has had a rough year and it all actually started in 2012. Nintendo decided that they would unveil their newest console system, the Wii U, in time for the 2012 holiday season a whole year before we saw the Xbox One and PS4 hit the street. The system was relatively innovative with it's game [...]

Walmart Is The Place To Be “Cyber Week”

By |Editors' Picks, Holiday Gift Guide 2014, News|

We all know that after we fill up with turkey on Thursday for Thanksgiving, it's off to the races for Black Friday. For those of you that still know what Radio Shack is, you can start your shopping fix right after turkey dinner, or heck, right before. But for those of us Americans with that shopping [...]

EA Disappoints At E3 For 2014 But 2016 Looks Bright

By |E3, Editors' Picks, Gaming|

We're on the ground for the Electronic Entertainment Expo, better known to the world as E3. The festivities kicked off Monday morning with a barrage of press conferences prior to the opening of the main floor. With the PS4 and Xbox One finally on the market this year promised to be dull in terms of [...]

Sony Xperia Z3 Headed To T-Mobile Later This Month

By |Editors' Picks, Mobile|

Sony's latest high end smartphone, the Xperia Z3 is headed to T-Mobile stores and T-Mobile's "Data Strong" network on October 29th. The Xperia Z3 features Playstation Remote Play which will allow Z3 users to stream their Playstation 4 games to their handset via wifi to anywhere their wifi network reaches. You can take calls, make [...]

Mario Isn’t Saving Nintendo

By |Gaming, News|

Welcome to the Nintendo roller coaster, although it's not a new game on the Wii U system, it's the wild ride the Japanese video gaming giant has embarked upon since releasing their newest console system a year before rivals Sony and Microsoft. It happened so quickly, leading up to the holiday season in 2012. Nintendo [...]

Direct TV To Launch Streaming Video, But It’s Not What You Think

By |Editors' Picks, News, TV|

Netflix was on the brink there for a little bit. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings had an "oops" moment when he tried to rebrand their in-home streaming service. It looked like things may implode for the company for a while. And then, they had a great idea, produce their own content. The company's "House of Cards" [...]

Gamestop Appeals To The “Gamestop Generation” With New Wearable Offerings

By |Editors' Picks, Gaming, Internet Of Things|

Make no mistake about it, Gamestop is not a 'kids" store. Sure you take your kids in there for the latest and greatest games, but Gamestop, has a generation. It's actually my generation. At a few years shy of 40 I remember spending many a day in my local mall. The day long trip as [...]

Watchdogs Being Blamed For String Of Highway Hacks

By |Editors' Picks, Gaming, News|

We knew this day would come, we're actually surprised it didn't come sooner. American's have this way of blaming video games for everything and that hasn't changed with a recent brash of highway hacks. Krebs On Security, the website run by security expert Brian Krebs, who broke the Target hacking scandal story, reported late last [...]

AMD, Eyefinity, and the Future of Gaming

By |CES 2014, Editors' Picks, Gaming|

Although you may not have ever heard of AMD, you have most likely used or have seen some of their technology in use. While AMD is primarily a processor and graphics card company, still waters run deep. Through deep collaboration with hardware producers, game developers, and software developers, AMD has helped these third-parties make the most efficient and beautiful use of their GPUs.