2 million accounts from Google, Facebook, Twitter and other sites compromised by hackers

In a rather malicious series of events more than 2 million accounts have been compromised by hackers on a variety of different internet websites. According to a new report malware was used to capture the log in information for these users on sites like Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, LinkedIn and Google and at this time there [...]

Google Play Music officially lands on Google Glass

Google has just released an official version of Google Play Music for Google Glass. Previously there was a leaked build of the application that users could load and use, but being as it was unofficial it came with some bugs included. The official version is available currently on the MyGlass page as a free download [...]

Move Over Delivery Drones, The Robots Are Coming And They’re Being Led By Andy Rubin

If you  think you've heard the name Andy Rubin before, you probably have. He's the engineer that created the HipTop for his company Danger. The HipTop was Rubin's earliest version of how he saw a smartphone. It did quite well for T-mobile and was eventually acquired by Microsoft. Rubin's career path led him to Google [...]

Buy Your Next Wireless Accessories With Bitcoin

Our friends over at Mobile Nations have always been innovators. They were responsible for one of the biggest, and earliest, independent Blackberry blogs, Crackberry. They were also early on the scene with an Android website in Android Central. And one thing I keep bringing up in conversation with industry folks is that Mobile Nations was [...]

Topsy, Apple, HedgeChatter, and the Rise of Social Data

Apple's purchase of Topsy and the launch of HedgeChatter are significant well beyond the actions themselves. As the amount of available data, both social and otherwise, continues to grow at an exponential rate, it will be the companies that make the best use of this data that survive.

Tablets Coming To Every Table At Applebee’s

Applebee's, the nation's largest casual dining dining chain, said on Tuesday that they plan on rolling out 100,000 tablet devices to all of their company owned restaurants. Applebee's has been testing tablet technology at several restaurants and plans to have them in all of their locations by next year. Their largest rival Chili's is reportedly [...]

Android users would rather purchase an iPad than Android tablet

The smartphone war has been going on for years and it continues to heat up each time a new device is announced. To most fans of a specific platform if you aren't using that platform then you are a lower class or using a sub par device, but some interesting news has surfaced. According to [...]

How To Shut That Annoying Motion Activated Christmas Tree Up…Or Not

You've seen those motion activated Christmas trees right? The ones that look like a cross between the grinch, Oscar the grouch and a Christmas Tree? Normally they sing Christmas carols to whoever steps in their path. They are usually cute the first time you step into it's spell. Maybe even the first ten times you [...]

BlackBerry’s Downfall Leads To Gains For iPad Sales In Enterprise Space

BlackBerry has been the leader in the enterprise space for some time now, but with the troubled waters and the uncertain future it seems as though some businesses are exploring their options in other companies. According to some analysts the iPad has been able to penetrate even further into enterprises with very little effort recently. [...]

First ever text message was sent 21 year ago today

The first ever text message was sent 21 years ago today and little did Neil Papworth from Vodafone know that over the next years how we communicate was going to be changed forever. On December 3, 1992 Neil Papworth, an engineer working in the UK, used a computer to send Richard Jarvis, one of Vodafone's directors, [...]