Oculus Rift App Wins TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon

We're on the ground in New York City for TechCrunch Disrupt NY. Year after year TechCrunch Disrupt is one of the best events that we've covered. Disrupt connects apps, startups, and investors in three days (+2 for the hackathon) that are intense, and full of knowledge. The first part of Disrupt is the hackathon which [...]

Ugly Betty To Keynote ISTE EdTech Conference

The International Society For Technology In Education (ISTE) conference is headed to Atlanta Georgia June 28th through July 1st. ISTE is the largest education technology conference in the United States and will see thousands of educators, education innovators and technology manufacturers converge in Atlanta to see and learn the latest about education and technology and [...]

Skateboard Wheel Printer: Leave a Mark While You Skate

Andrew Wolson (above left) presented one of the most interesting Creator Projects that we saw at One Spark. Andrew's project, "Skateboard wheel printer," is still in its infancy, as far a becoming an actual product. However, Andrew told us that he has had the idea in the back of his mind for 3+ years. Andrew [...]

Kid Keemo: Cancer Fighting Companions For Kids

One of our favorite One Spark Creators that we had a chance to speak with was Craig Riley, the Founder of Kid Keemo. Kid Keemo was created to "make kids with cancer feel normal again."Kide Keemo One Spark Creator Profile Kid Keemo is actually the character that you see above. Kid Keemo is a part [...]

Dosing Dials: Easily Monitor Your Child’s Medicine Dosing

Every now and then, something so simple comes along that just blows our minds. Dosing Dials is definitely one of those things. The number of accidental overdoses amongst children is at an all time high. While many of these cases involve self-ingestion of medicines - a child taking drugs on their own - there is [...]

Relive OneSpark Thanks To WeVue

While we were in Jacksonville for One Spark, we had a chance to speak with Taylor Wallace, the co-Founder of WeVue. "WeVue", Wallace told us, "is an app platform that allows anyone to crowdsource pictures or videos from an event and easily turn that content into videos on your phone." The idea is that you [...]

Any Inc. – A Marketplace to Buy and Sell Companies

There is no question that there are a ton of idle companies out there. Companies that may have failed, been extremely slow growing, companies with little to no traction, and side work that is going untouched. One of the largest reasons for this is a simple lack of interest and or time to devote. Any [...]

The Push and Go Electric Bike Could Bring Energy to Eveyone [One Spark]

We had a chance to speak with Abu Alim during One Spark. Alim was displaying his project, "Push and Go Electric Bike." Of all the projects that were on display at One Spark, Alim's electric bike is easily the one with the most potential. In a nutshell, the bike utilizes an open thermodynamic system that allows [...]

Is LunchTable Solving The Group SMS Problem?

Just the other day, I was talking with one of my friends about group messaging. I know, fascinating topic of conversation. Anyhow, we reached the conclusion that was not really a good solution. The stock SMS apps of both Android and iOS are funky, and make it difficult to maintain long-standing group message rooms, leaving [...]

Event Socially: One Stop Source for Events and Parties Everywhere

Anther application that we were looking forward to checking out at One Spark was Event Socially. In a nutshell, Event Socially is an application that gathers event data, info, and pictures from all the various social networks and puts all that information into one easy to use web and mobile format. EventSocially is the authoritative source [...]