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Snapchat Reaches Settlement with FTC Over non-Disappearing Photos

By |Mobile, News|

On Thursday, Snapchat agreed to a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission over charges of customer deception. The FTC alleged that Snapchat, "deceived consumers with promises about the disappearing nature of messages sent through the service."FTC Press Releases, "Snapchat Settles FTC Charges That Promises of Disappearing Messages Were False," 8 May 2014 Further, the [...]

Ford Targeting Techies, 2015 Mustang Named Official Car Of CES

By |CES 2014, Editors' Picks|

For years the Ford Mustang has been an iconic symbol of speed, power and muscle. It's largely appealed to a demographic of car drivers not too concerned about the latest technology outside of what's under the hood. Well this year Ford is set to change that image, as the 2015 Ford Mustang has been named [...]

The Glowfaster Smart Jacket Lights up As Your Heart Rate Speeds Up

By |Crowdfunding, News|

That is a pretty cool concept: visual feedback based on the wearer's heart rate. The app that controls the jacket - currently only iOS but an Android application is in the works - is full of features:

T-Mobile Targets World Cup Fans With Shakira Ad And Uncarrier Snark

By |advertising, Editors' Picks, Mobile|

Does the way the wireless business operates have absolutely anything to do with World Cup Soccer? No it does not. Unless of course you're John Legere run T-Mobile, then at has everything to do with wireless carriers and contracts. That's the stretch that T-Mobile is going for an advertisement featuring their newest spokesperson Shakira. The [...]

OnePressWeb Is Closing The Marketing Loop For Small Business [OneSpark Preview]

By |One Spark 2014|

There are plenty of tools and SaaS solutions out there for companies with a marketing team, marketing consultant or marketers themselves. But what about small businesses who don't have the time or knowledge to manage their own marketing. In today's busy digital world it's quite possible that a business owner could have an amazing accounting [...]

Android Has 99% Of The Mobile Malware?

By |Android, Apple, Editors' Picks, Mobile, News|

If you need to know how much mobile malware has infected Android you can always count on Apple's marketing honcho Phil Schiller. 9to5mac reported on Tuesday, that Schiller had posted results of Cisco's 2014 annual security report to his Twitter account. It was that report that highlighted just how bad mobile malware is on the [...]

MobileFlex Is Changing The BYOD Arena

By |News|

A truly transformative technology that makes bring-your-own-device (BYOD) environments far more secure, much more manageable, and significantly faster-acting has come to market. The new Mobile-Flex® patent-pending protocol provides “a radically different yet simplified means of empowering employees to boost productivity with a total computing solution that is familiar, user-friendly and assures that employer data, programs [...]

Video Game Sales Slow Ahead Of PS4 And Xbox One Launch

By |Editors' Picks, Gaming|

As expected video game sales slowed in October in anticipation of the next gen consoles from Microsoft and Sony. NPD just released their data on video game sales for October. September was a hot month thanks to the edition of Grand Theft Auto Five and two new Pokemon titles for the Nintendo DS. According to [...]

MAQTOOB: An Easy to use Web Tool Marketplace

By |Editors' Picks, Interviews|

  There are a ton of tools and resources out there to help you run your business. However, you have to know where to look. Finding these resources often requires at least a basic IT skill level. However, there are a ton of business owners out there who have little to no IT skills. That's [...]

4 Essentials Of Running A Web-Based Startup

By |Everything Else|

Thanks to a bevy of online activity, you can start an online business faster than it takes for the freight company to deliver inventory to your doorstep. However, to succeed in the world of web-based startups, you need to ensure that you have all the essential ingredients to give your venture a fighting chance to [...]

As Fewer People Install Office Software, Cloud Security Becomes Even More Essential

By |Tech Tips, Tips|

Personal computer users, fed up with having to pay hundreds of dollars for single-use license installations of Microsoft Office or Office for Mac, are now simply leaving these extra items off new laptop purchases. Instead, they're working within more efficient, free solutions: specifically, Google Drive and Apache OpenOffice. The cloud service Google Drive is at [...]

ScholarsAd: Student to Student Marketplace

By |Editors' Picks, Education, Startup|

We just came across a really interesting new startup. ScholarsAd is a college-based student to student marketplace. Sure, there is Craigslist, but that is inherently sketchy. ScholarsAd takes all of this sketchiness out of buying and selling unused goods. We had a chance to ask the ScholarsAd Team a few questions about their marketplace: ScholarsAd [...]

Apple Approves Gay Social Networking App Which Is Actually A Gay Social Network

By |Apple, Apps, Editors' Picks, News, Social Networks|

When most people think about a "gay app" or an app targeted towards the gay community, they almost always, stereo typically think of a hook up app, or an app to meet people like Grinderr. We really should be at a day and age where "gay app" isn't synonymous with shirtless guys and hooking up. [...]

Starbucks Testing Order Ahead, And Universal Mobile Wallet?

By |Apps, Editors' Picks|

Starbucks App Order Ahead Coffee giant Starbucks revealed back in March that up to 14% of it's purchases in the United States are paid for using their mobile app. The Starbucks mobile app allows it's users to pre-load money onto it and then use those funds to quickly pay for Starbucks purchases both in store [...]

Curriculum Associates: Powerful Assessment Tools for Teachers [AETC Preview]

By |AETC, Education, Interviews|

      As we are gearing up to hit the Alabama Educational Technology Conference (AETC) this week, we have had the opportunity to speak with several exhibitors. Among these exhibitor companies is Curriculum Associates. Curriculum Associates offers educators research-based, classroom-proven materials that give every student the chance to succeed. We recently had a chance to ask Courtney Marsh, of Curriculum Associates, a few [...]

10 Holiday Tech Gift Ideas For Grandparents In An Infographic

By |Editors' Picks, Holiday Gift Guide 2013|

The folks at FallAlert, a technology company targeting senior citizens with a Life Alert like device, has compiled a list of 10 great gift ideas for grandparents this holiday season. Then, they put the complete list into a pretty groovy infographic. The list ranges from FallAlert,of course, to the latest Kindle Fire and the newest [...]

BaiBoard Brings a Ton of Collaboration tools to Cloud Storage

By |Education, Interviews|

     There are a ton of collaboration tools out there. Things like Dropbox, Box, Evernote, and Google Drive allow users to collaborate and edit various kinds of documents. These are great, but they lack one major feature, they lack any sort of drawing and whiteboard tools. That is where BaiBoard comes in. BaiBoard integrates their drawing and [...]

Gilmo: The Safest Password Management System

By |Crowdfunding, Editors' Picks, Security|

I'm petrified of password managers. I'm the one guy in my incredibly tech savvy circle of friends that doesn't have an account with any of the major password management companies. Why? Because what if they get hacked. Forget the Target hack or the Home Depot hack, a giant hacking of one of the major password [...]

Facial Recgnition And The Future Of Advertising

By |Editors' Picks, Photo|

Facial recognition is one of the fastest developments in technology today. On one hand it's being used across social media to recommend people to tag in photos. On the other hand it's being used by law enforcement to help identify law breakers, something both welcomed and feared by many. Privacy is obviously the biggest hindrance [...]

Toplist: A New Approach to Social Commerce

By |Apps, Investing, Mobile|

         We just came across a pretty interesting mobile app. Toplist is a shopping app, but it takes a lot of cues from social networks. There have been a few social commerce apps and companies, but Toplist thinks that these guys had the wrong idea. Rather than just a repository for people to dump [...]